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Topic: "It's the War," Says Iowa to Hillary -- Michael Mo

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Ryan Eashoo

"It's the War," Says Iowa to Hillary -- And a "Happy Blue Year" To All! ...from Michael Moore

January 3, 2007


There was no doubt about it. The message from Iowa tonight was simple, but deafening:

If you're a candidate for President, and you voted for the war, you lose. And if you voted and voted and voted for the war -- and never once showed any remorse -- you really lose.

In short, if you had something to do with keeping us in this war for four-plus years, you are not allowed to be the next president of the United States.

Over 70% of Iowan Democrats voted for candidates who either never voted for the invasion of Iraq (Obama, Richardson, Kucinich) or who have since admitted their mistake (Edwards, Biden, Dodd). I can't tell you how bad I feel for Senator Clinton tonight. I don't believe she was ever really for this war. But she did -- and continued to do -- what she thought was the politically expedient thing to eventually get elected. And she was wrong. And tonight she must go to sleep wondering what would have happened if she had voted her conscience instead of her calculator.

John Edwards was supposed to have come in third. He had been written off. He was outspent by the other front-runners six to one. But somewhere along the road he threw off the old politico hack jacket and turned into a real person, a fighter for the poor, for the uninsured, for peace. And for that, he came in a surprise second, ending up with just one less delegate than the man who was against the war from the beginning. But, as Joshua Holland of AlterNet pointed out earlier today, Edwards is still the only front-runner who will pull out all the troops and do it as quickly as possible. His speech tonight was brilliant and moving.

What an amazing night, not just for Barack Obama, but for America. I know that Senator Obama is so much more than simply the color of his skin, but all of us must acknowledge -- and celebrate -- the fact that one of the whitest states in the U.S. just voted for a black man to be our next president. Thank you, Iowa, for this historic moment. Thank you for at least letting us believe that we are better than what we often seem to be. And to have so many young people come out and vote -- and vote for Obama -- this is a proud moment. It all began with the record youth turnout in 2004 -- the ONLY age group that Kerry won -- and they came back out tonight en force. Good on every single one of you!

As the only top candidate who was anti-war before the war began, Barack Obama became the vessel through which the people of this Midwestern state were able to say loud and clear: "Bring 'Em Home!" Most pundits won't read the election this way because, well, most pundits merrily led us down the path to war. For them to call this vote tonight a repudiation of the war -- and of Senator Clinton's four years' worth of votes for it -- might require the pundit class to remind their viewers and readers that they share some culpability in starting this war. And, like Hillary, damn few of them have offered us an apology.

With all due respect to Senator Obama's victory, the most important news out of the caucus this evening was the whopping, room-busting turnout of Democrats. 239,000 people showed up to vote Democratic tonight (93% more than in '04, which was a record year), while only 115,000 showed up to vote Republican. And this is a red state! The Republican caucuses looked anemic. The looks on their faces were glum, tired. As the camera followed some of them into their caucus sites, they held their heads down or turned away, sorta like criminals on a perp walk. They know their days of power are over. They know their guy blew it. Their only hope was to vote for a man who has a direct line to heaven. Huckabee is their Hail Mary pass. But don't rule him out. He's got a sense of humor, he's downhome, and he said that if elected, he'd put me on a boat to Cuba. Hey, a free Caribbean vacation!

Bottom line: People have had it. Iowa will go blue (Happy Blue Year, Hawkeyes!). Whomever your candidate is on the Dem side, this was a good night. Get some sleep. The Republicans won't go down without a fight. Look what happened when Kerry tried to play nice. So Barack, you can talk all you want about "let's put the partisanship aside, let's all get along," but the other side has no intention of being anything but the bullies they are. Get your game face on now. And, if you can, tell me why you are now the second largest recipient of health industry payola after Hillary. You now take more money from the people committed to stopping universal health care than any of the Republican candidates.

Despite what your answer may be, I was proud to sit in my living room tonight and see you and your family up on that stage. We became a bit better tonight, and on that I will close by saying, sweet dreams -- and on to that other totally white state of New Hampshire!


Michael Moore

Flint Michigan Resident, Tax Payer, Flint Nutt - Local REALTOR - Activist. www.FlintTown.com
Post Sat Jan 05, 2008 2:20 pm 
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last time here


now you've pissed off FC and 2tap!! Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing

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Post Sat Jan 05, 2008 2:24 pm 
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LT, I don't know where you dream this stuff up. Nothing in there that would piss me off. Mike (and Ryan, and you for that matter) are certainly entitled to your opinion. Not much in the way of facts to back up his opinion, but that's no surprise.

I love that quote...Edwards "turned into a real person, a fighter for the poor, for the uninsured, for peace." Polls will do that to a politician. Why it was only 3 months ago that Obama AND Clinton AND Edwards said that, if elected, they couldn't promise our troops would be home by 2013 (the end of the next presidential term).


And what is it that makes people believe a trial lawyer worth $30 million really cares about the little guy? (oh yeah...it's called gullible!)

"Former Senator John Edwards of North Carolina, who has spent the last three years crusading against poverty, also reported about $30 million in assets. His income included nearly half a million dollars for advising an elite investment fund and $40,000 for directing a poverty studies program at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill."

Post Sat Jan 05, 2008 3:22 pm 
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Myself I want Fat Mike to keep shooting his mouth off their are a lot of Dems who blame him for Kerrys loss after he fired up the Repubs with his idiotic blabbering. Cmon Mike tell us what ya really think and make sure ya support whoever the Dems choose. Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing

exhibit A
and on to that other totally white state of New Hampshire!

Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Keep up the racial remarks. Laughing
Post Sat Jan 05, 2008 3:30 pm 
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btw...here's a map of the United States showing county by county 2004 presidential election results.

Post Sat Jan 05, 2008 3:37 pm 
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Go Mike Go Laughing Laughing Laughing

Katie Couric Trashes Michael Moore! Would Rather Arrange Socks than go out with him!
The Today Show

Posted on 09/01/2004 6:06:30 AM PDT by governsleastgovernsbest

In perhaps the most stunning morning news show interview I've ever seen, Katie Couric just got through thoroughly trashing Michael Moore.

She began by criticizing the scenes in Fahrenheit 911 depicting a pre-war Iraq of children peacefully playing and weddings taking place. "Wasn't that misleading?" Moore claimed he only used the footage to show the kinds of people killed by US bombing, not to suggest Saddam's Iraq was a "utopia."

Next, Katie said that "many people say the Dems don't want you to be the face of the party."

"Who said that?" demanded Moore. "Well, Tim Russert for one," answered Katie.

She added: "let's face it, many people think you're a jerk."

An obviously hurt Moore responded: "but you don't think I'm a jerk, do you Katie?"

Katie refused to come to his aid: "well, my views aren't important, it's the views of the Dem party."

"But come on, Katie, you know me."

"I really don't know you very well."

"But, come one, from talking after the shows, etc. You don't think I'm a jerk, do you?"

"I really don't know you well enough to say that."

Finally, in a scene so amazing I could hardly believe my eyes and ears, Moore virtually asked Katie out on a date, and was shot down with a classic co-ed line.

Katie asked Moore if he'd be going back to the convention and Moore said he would, probably tonight and tomorrow. Then Moore added: "will you come with me, Katie?"

A shocked Katie replied: "No," then, incredibly, added: "I HAVE TO RE-ARRANGE MY SOCK DRAWER."

Yes, she actually said it. Katie made it clear that she loathes Moore and fears that as the prominent face of the party, he is dragging down her boy Kerry. Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing

An absolutely stunning TV moment. Catch a replay if you can.
Post Sat Jan 05, 2008 4:12 pm 
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MIKES THE MAN I want to see him on every talk show out there. Laughing Laughing
November 07, 2004
Michael Moore lost the election

: Michael Moore lost the election for John Kerry.

Michael Ledeen thinks the Guardian lost it by having a bunch of ferners try to influence our campaign.

You could argue that the French and Old Europe lost it for Kerry because he tied his star to them -- now how dumb was that? -- and we're still pissed at them for deserting us.

You could argue that bin Laden lost it for Kerry by showing up again. Yes, you'd think that this only made Kerry's point about letting OBL slip out of our fingers. But never underestimate our prideful anger.

But I say instead that Michael Moore lost it for Kerry. He lost it by starting the mudslinging over military service when he accused Bush of being a deserter; this opened the door for the Swiftie mudmen and cut short the ability to condemn them for it.

He lost it by making unfair attacks on Bush (when he could have made fair attacks), helping Bush to rally his fans around him.

But mainly, Moore lost the race for Kerry and the Democrats by turning them, by association, into a bunch of rabid seething fringie liberal loonies, all angry and extreme and too quick to forget what the real war is and who the real enemy is.

The right-wing is usually the side that is portrayed as fringie and rabid and extreme and, Lord knows, many of them are.

But Moore made the left seem just as extreme if not more so.

He demanded that we should all be as angry as he is. But what if we don't want to be angry at our own side?

He demanded that we see conspiracies everywhere but where they exist: in the Islamofascist world.

He lowered the level of discourse to this: hyperbole, hype, lies by omission, and attack as a substitute for fact and discussion.

And that make it harder for Kerry to complain when the other side did likewise to him.

Bush did a better job of maintaining a thin wall of separation between him and the 527 nutjobs on his side. I don't say that the wall was real, but the appearance of it was just real enough. Kerry did a bad job of separating himself from Moore; he didn't try. So to many, Moore's mud became Kerry's mud.

There were thousands, hundreds of thousands, maybe millions of voters who were looking for an alternative to Bush, a reasonable, open, safe alternative. Moore made the Democrats look not like an alternative but the attackers.

And Moore -- and Howard Dean and Air America and others -- pushed Kerry and the Democrats into the position of being the anti-war party at a time when we are at war. That led to one flip-flop too many. Big mistake.

Moore was brilliant at creating a media frenzy. The media bought his hype and helped him make a fortune on his little flick. They made the mistake of thinking that each ticket bought to see that flick was worth many times more votes. No, the people who went to see F9/11 weren't all buying Moore's gospel. They were buying the hype. And that's all Moore was selling: Hype. He wasn't doing it for the good of the country. He was doing it for the good of Michael Moore.

But who wants to vote for the party of seethers and demeaners? Who wants to join the angry people and think that's going to improve life? Who feels welcome in the company of disapprove snots? That is the party of Michael Moore.

The moral to the story: Don't listen to Michael Moore. He led you astray, Democrats.

LISTEN TO MIKE AFTER ALL HE'S BRILLIANT . Laughing Laughing Unlike the whiny Dems who are attempting to silence anyone with a different view I want the Likes of Mike out there spinning his tales. Lets hear it from the Susan Sarandons , Tim Robbins, Sean Penn Alec baldwin. Dennis Kucinch and his abducted by aliens tales, Howard Dean and his Psycho meltdowns Al Gore with his meltdowns. The 1st ammendment have at it folks. Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing
Post Sat Jan 05, 2008 4:23 pm 
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last time here

man....you guys are lost in that o'reilly, limbaugh crap.. Shocked Shocked

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Post Sat Jan 05, 2008 7:35 pm 
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YUP Laughing Laughing
Post Sat Jan 05, 2008 9:11 pm 
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Ryan Eashoo

Naw I doubt we will piss them off!

last time here schreef:

now you've pissed off FC and 2tap!! Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing

Flint Michigan Resident, Tax Payer, Flint Nutt - Local REALTOR - Activist. www.FlintTown.com
Post Sat Jan 05, 2008 9:24 pm 
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Michael Moore should count his blessings and feel fortunate that he lives in the greatest nation in the world where he has the freedom of speech to bash his president and other elected officials. People in Cuba don't have that freedom.

To those who fight for it, freedom has a taste the protected will never know.
Post Sat Jan 05, 2008 11:31 pm 
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I pound my head against the wall reading this kind of stuff...

Hillary spouting her "I'm here for change" drivel now that "change" is a nice happy media tag-line is good solid proof that that vote-wh*re will tell you anything you want to hear to get elected, taking lessons from her husband... does no one remember "I will not sign NAFTA...."

MM writing these kinds of letters just make him lose more credibility as it becomes more transparent that he refuses to take a stand until he finds out what the Che-hugging, I-wanna-live-on-a-commune-in-the-desert, nut-case liberals tell him who to endorse...

All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent.
Post Sun Jan 06, 2008 4:40 am 
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last time here

actually, if you look at american history, it's those who refuse
to speak up against injustice that are un-american.. Cool Wink

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Post Sun Jan 06, 2008 12:51 pm 
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last time here schreef:
actually, if you look at american history, it's those who refuse
to speak up against injustice that are un-american.. Cool Wink

I'm not the first one to have said it, and I hope I will not be the last...

I do not like, nor agree with what you say, but i will defend to the death your right to say it...

But... I will also use my freedom of speech to point out how ridiculous those things coming out of these people's mouth is...

All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent.
Post Sun Jan 06, 2008 1:28 pm 
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